
Monday, April 6, 2009

That's A Wrap

I had another really great birthday this year. Instead of going out for a steak dinner that is the normal tradition. We decided to have a picnic and do some fishing. If you've been a regular reader of the MA Fat Woman then you know that my family likes fishing and picnics. If you're new you can check out some of our adventures here and here.

Anyhow, it seems that Mother Nature is trying to play catch up on about 7 years of drought by dumping 60 inches of rain in the last few weeks. (Not really, but close.) We haven't seen any sunshine since the last time the sun shined, go figure. Well, the sun came out in full force on my birthday and it was about 75 degrees. Beeyootifull!

I had made bbq'd ribs, baked beans, deviled eggs, tater salad (which Brother actually liked this time) and my friend had made me a homemade birthday cake decorated up all fancy and everything. We ate good.

After lunch we thought we would try our hand at some fishing. We didn't catch anything but a sunburn and, maybe, just a touch of indigestion from the eggs and beans. (I heard quite a few fish calls too, mainly from Brother.)

All in all, it was a really nice day. I'd also like to say thanks to everyone that dropped me birthday wishes and also thanks for reading my stories. I'm trying to compile my stories into book form so one day in the future there might be a hardcover version of Reflections on a Middle-Aged Fat Woman. Wouldn't that be exciting?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the book. I've been mulling over the same sort of thing. Family members encourage, but I keep hesitating.


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