
Friday, August 21, 2009

I Knew You...

...but, I don't know you.

It seems like everybody and their brother is now utilizing the new social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. I am on both of those sites and so is Brother; however, we are not friends.

And that's okay.

I have yet to jump into the world of Twitter. I'm not sure if fans of the MA Fat Woman really want to know when I walk into a men's room by mistake or get chased down my driveway by my crazy neighbor as it actually happens. That would take the fun and enjoyment away that I experience when I sit down and rehash the whole story as I pound away on my Commodore 360.

Since I have an addictive personality I'm sure that if I joined Twitter I would become obbessed. After all, who doesn't want to know when Ashton Kutcher or Big Daddy Shaq goes to take a dump. I know I do and I'm not joking. When I was a child and I would watch television I always wondered if Hollywood people went to the bathroom. Thanks to Twitter I now know the answer to that question! One less thing to worry about.

As for people from the past coming back into your life I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. I have approved and been approved by people that I knew when I was younger. I've read reports on Facebook etiquette that it's okay not to approve an Ex or someone that was detrimental to you in the past. Once a psycho, always a wacko, stay away from me is not a bad policy to live by.

As for those friends that somehow just drifted away over the years I can honestly say that I knew you...but, I don't know you now. It's great to hear from you and I'm glad you're still alive and kicking. I'll say hi and it would be nice if you said hi back. I don't want to know your waist size, your butt size or how many beers you can drink on a Friday night. Yes, we've both changed a lot since back then, no, I don't get home much, and I may or may not be going to the reunion.

Remember when we used to do this and you used to be skinny. Yes, I remember those days, and hopefully, one day, I will be again. I'll say it again. I knew you...

...but, I don't know you now.

Nor, do I want too!

Let's just leave things in the past, shall we?

Can we still be friends?


  1. Oh, my gosh. That's SO funny!
    I'm on Twitter and use it a little but I use Facebook a lot. Like you, I have an addictive personality. If I like something, I'm obsessed!!!!

  2. Well, I Twitter...Mostly for the junk that the celebs throw out there and their quirky personalities....I only spend MINIMAL time on twitter tho, and like only some celebs..I don't have anyone that I don't like to talk to, and you can BLOCK them if you wish, if they get ticked, well, so be it! As for friends from the past, I have to sometimes bite my lip and ignore them..
    I like my NEW friends, those I choose such as my blogging acquaintenances, and so on...I am not on FB or MS...So, I stick to bloggin and twittering for now...
    (sorry to ramble...*smile*)..This is one of my fav posts of yours...

  3. lol ... I so get that. I just recently signed up and then signed off FB.


Sure! I'd love to hear what you have to say.