We're six weeks into the New Year and in my best Joey Tribbiani voice I ask "How you doin"?
The weekly feature here at Reflections is to remind you about the resolutions that you made at the beginning of the year, in hopes that you would stick with it. I think I'm doing it more for myself, actually. If I write it down each week, I can hold myself accountable.
I started a new 21 day plan this week and instead of doing low-carb eating I am following the Weight Watcher's system. (I'm not paying or going to meetings) It allows me to have a small to moderate amount of white foods (potatoes & bread) that seem to be my weakness.
Are you keeping your resolutions?
Are you making a lists of things to get accomplished and marking them off upon completion?
Are you laughing at least once a day?
Are you staying positive?
Have you given someone a hug lately?
Are you finding happiness and contentment in your everyday activities?
Are you sick of hearing about John Edward's alleged sex tape?
Are you letting the little things go?
Are you being less judgemental?
Are you clipping coupons to help you save money?
Have you become a follower of the MA Fat Woman through Google Friend Connect?
Are you drinking fluids to keep hydrated?
Are you getting off the couch any?
These are some of the things that I'm working on. Hope you will too! If you have anything to add to the list, please do so.
Also, if you would like to be included on my blog roll, please leave your info in the comments section. I hope to have the newly designed Reflections up soon.
MA Fat Woman
Cool story as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that topic. Thnx for sharing this data.