
Friday, February 19, 2010

New Signs Of The Apocalypse

Sports Illustrated features a weekly feature entitled Signs of the Apocalypse where unusual happenings in the sports world will merit a one or two sentence mention on topics ranging from hoodwinked hoodlums in Ireland to men's figure skaters bitch-slapping a NFL lineman because his parking place got taken.

This morning when I turned on the television to catch up on the news from overnight every channel I turned to was showing breaking news: Tiger to break his silence. Watch the LIVE broadcast in just a few minutes. Every channel. Do we really care that much that the all time greatest golfer in the world couldn't keep his putter in his pants?

The pundits and talking heads across all the networks were all in a dither as to whether his wife, Elin, would be there to stand beside him. Had he had plastic surgery to repair the damage caused by the nine-iron when she had allegedly went upside his head with it on Thanksgiving night? OOOOOhhhhh, I'm just shivering and shaking with anticipation as to what he is going to say. Is he going to admit to all of the affairs? Is he going to give details? Are they staying together or getting a divorce? Is he coming back to play golf at the Master's Tournament in April?

Is he really a sex addict? Is that even a real condition? Will his sponsors believe him? Will they be happy with what he says? What does his mom think about all of this? What would his dad say? Will this situation help him to become a better man? Will he gain a new respect for the game of golf and its fabled history?

All of those questions and many more are what warranted this extensive news coverage. Are you kidding me? I'll ask again. Are you kidding me? I can understand the sports networks covering this, but CNN, HLN, the Fox Business Channel, I thought I even heard QVC throw a shout out about it.

Aren't there starving people somewhere we need to know about? Aren't the people in Haiti living in tent cities? Aren't we fighting a war on two fronts? Weren't we having a health-care debate, recently? Don't you wonder what Conan has been doing since he got the boot? Do you wonder if Congress will ever get anything accomplished?

Wait! You had almost forgotten about those other issues, hadn't you? Almost.

For me, all it took was a thirty second flip through the channels to bring my reality back into focus. And my focus isn't on Tiger, neither should yours.


  1. I totally agree with you. It is all over our TV channels here in UK too and do we really care about an American golfer who cheated on his wife? Do we want to hear the details?

    There are major things going on here. Thousands are losing their jobs every day and our government has bankrupt us and is still throwing money all over the place trying to be the big 'I am'.

    It's al a smoke screen to stop us thinking about what is really going on. makes me angry....

  2. Can you believe it?? Who cares? Too many other issues, besides I think it should be between him, his wife, and God.

  3. It really irritated me that his "press conference", in which he didn't take questions, was on every network. It also frosted me that it came on just as the View started. I really don't care what Tiger did, and he doesn't need to apologize to me.

  4. I feel sorry for his wife...being humiliated like this. Its actually no one's business but theirs. It certainly didn't deserve exposure on every channel on national TV. He's not the first man to stray and won't be the last but to air their dirty laundry so very publicly makes it all that much worse. And don't think it will permanently hurt his image.... remember Clinton. Because of his antics, kids don't think its sex if its oral.

  5. This Tiger thing is so annoying already. Thankfully, that news is more diluted here in Canada. Here it's Olympics 24/7, which is fun to watch if you like that sort of thing.

  6. I wasn't surprised the news networks acted like it was a national emergency. I stopped being surprised at that stupid sh#t after the coverage of Paris Hilton going to jail. I get my 'real' news from other sources, like alternative-media..and blogs

  7. Put a mark for me in that "who cares" column! He is nothing more than an egotistical jerk (ok so he can play golf) that was put up on a pedestal, who turned out to be just another cheating husband. His pathetic apology (which I really didn't waste time watching) was way too choreographed to be though sincere. Ugh! I was so over it the day after Thanksgiving.

  8. Good Post - I think the human spiecies is basically self focused and wants to be pleasured. I also think we are all basically the same. It takes work or something shocking to break through our pleasure seeking quest to be different. Preachers and priests every Sunday hammer out their sermons in an effort to get us to leave the nice feeling of pleasure and look toward love -Self vs others. Hmmm...I do not have it mastered - I think it will take the Master to change me.

  9. Ahhh, I agree...I was folding laundry as I listened/watched the dumb-bell do his "reading" of his prepared speech! Wow! Must be pretty important to have your infidelities paraded on all the news networks~!! Arghhhh...enough already!! Hope he pays dearly!


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