
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Somebody Stole My Winter

I live in the South for a reason: Mild winters.

Normally, by this time of year we've had at least a week of 70 degree weather, my Easter Lilies are up in full bloom and I've had to pull a pair of shorts out of storage to wear.

Not this year. I heard a report that some sort of weather phenomena was causing winter to actually feel like winter. I don't know if it was El Nina, La Nina, El Camino, or Vinny Del Negro; it's been cloudy, misty, drizzling, and raining the whole year. If the sun does shine for a few hours it's been too cold to be outside. I finally did get my Christmas decorations removed from the front yard--they're sitting on my front porch, but at least they're down.

We did get a few flurries of snow and a half inch of ice a few weeks back. Not enough to make a snowman or snow ice cream, but enough for the kids to get out of school for a few days. The forecast is calling for more clouds, rain and possibly a winter mix.

Good news though, the ten day outlook said we might reach 50 degrees  and have sunny skies for two consecutive days. Now where'd I put those bermuda shorts...


  1. We all have to hang in there. Georgia is usually quite beautiful this time of the year. I had a sister that lived in Murryville.
    A couple of more weeks(my prediction)

  2. I think Arkansas is known for mild winters but not this one. We have had more snow this year than the past twenty years.

    Spring is one day closer.

  3. Yeah, Al Gore- what's with the global warming?
    I am sick of winter, too. Blah, blah, blah...
    I'm counting the days till April!

  4. It's been absolutely BRUTAL. I haven't seen a Winter this bad since 1996. Hopefully it will warm up soon!


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