***Here's a recap of the story Inadvertent Touching thus far, in case you missed it.***
Recently, I went back to my new hairdresser, P, to get a touch up on my new fabulous hairdo that I've been sporting. If you haven't checked out that story, you can check it out here. I learned my lesson about going on Wednesday, thus avoiding the fumes that arose from the all-you-can-eat extrema burrito fiesta.
I believe it was on a Tuesday afternoon and the salon was hopping. It turned out that P had started teaching a class at the local community college and on that particular day he was teaching the new students in his salon. When he saw me at the front counter, he threw up a hand in greeting and squealed, "GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, Hola`, Chica. My goodness, what has happened to your coif? P did such a fabulous job on you last time."
"Hola`, right back at ya'll. That's why I'm here, the gray is coming back fast."
"Oh, Chica, what is ya'll? It is just me, P. Anyway, you have come on good day, I am showing these P wannabes how to become a stud in the world of beauty and salon. Come sit here."
And with that I was led to the first chair and then immediately surrounded by a gaggle of cackling old bitties, three young wide-eyed teenagers and one young ex-Marine with a "I love doing hair" tattoo on his left bicep that greeted me with a wide grin and a strong nod. "Howdy, ma'am!" he said.
Over the next few minutes or so I listened somewhat stoically as my favorite hairdresser launched into the story of our first meeting and of our mutual agreement that my hair was a complete disaster. I was a perfect example of what not to do if you wanted to do your own hair or were too cheap (or broke) to go to a professional salon. "Come closer," he said to the class as he whipped out an iPhone from his fanny pack. "This is chica before and this is chica after P has finished with her. See the difference of what a professional can do?" he said.
"Hey, I didn't know you had taken my picture," I said.
"Oh, bambino, you were too worried about my burritos and my snake. You wanna see it again?"
"Wait a minute," one old bitty said. "I don't wanna see ya'all's snake. What kind of place you runnin' here? Honey, have you seen his snake before?" she said as she edged closer to the chair and nudged me slightly.
"Whaddya' sayin?" she said and nudged me again.
I wasn't sure what I was nudged with the first time, but I became acutely aware of what it was the second: her boob. They were big and large and were laying straight out, almost in an upward direction. At least she had on a good bra I thought to myself...
...Yeah, she must have a really good bra on to keep those things up like that, I thought to myself. I was thinking about asking her where she did her undergarment shopping when I got nudged again. Stop touching me!
Now, I'm really a patient person and fairly easy-going but there is one thing that drives me absolutely bananas and that is being touched by someones body part when it is not supposed to be there, if you know what I mean. For that matter, I really don't like being touched at all unless I know it's coming.
I've been that way my whole life. I can remember battles with Sister over control over the best end of the couch and rides in the backseat of the family car, stuck in the middle between Brother and Sister riding on the hump, hoping that neither would reach over and pinch, touch or even acknowledge that I was there. "Mom, Sister touched me," I would moan or "Mom, Brother keeps calling me Froggy," which would then result in either a headlock and a noogie or a flick of my ear.
I'm not sure which hurt worse.
Pedro gathered all of his students around him as he prepared the coloring mixture for my hair. "You must be very careful when mixing chemicals. You don't want to turn your client's hair green or blow somebody up. Hee Hee. All measurements must be exact and precise."
The group watched in fascination as P measured this and mixed up that, and finally finished with a flourish. "Bueno! It is finished. Come. Now, let us turn, Chica, into a beauty once more."
The crowd gathered around me in anticipation, with Miss Triple Ds in the back row trying to see around the ex-Marine and a tall blond with even taller hair. "Mr. P, I can't see nothing from back here. Can I move up front?" she asked.
"Oh, yes. Make way for Dolly up front," he said.
"My name's not Dolly," she said.
"Oh, I am sorry, Chica. You are all so new and P has not had time to learn your names, but it is because you look like Dolly, that I call you Dolly," he explained.
As she moved from the front to the back, nudging me in the process, she took her place behind the teacher and waited for him to begin. P turned around with chemical in hand and ran smack into the large, upturned chest that had been repositioned behind him. "Mos Dios! Aye, yigh, yigh!" he exclaimed as the mixture sailed out of his hand and onto the plastic cape that was draped over me. "Oh, Chica, P is terribly sorry. Dolly, where did those boobies come from?" he asked...
..."Oh, my goodness. What a hot mess this is. I am so sorry, bebe, but I have the super duty heavy plastic cape and it shouldn't leak through it. Even if it does, that shirt you have on does not suit you anyway."
I was too surprised to say or do anything except look in the direction of where the mixture had been tossed from. Somehow, I wasn't too surprised when I felt a now all to familiar nudge as the large-breasted lady busied herself with trying to clean up the hot mess that was splashed across my chest.
Nudge. Stop it!
I continued to sit in silence as Dolly and P now took turns dabbing at the spill on my chest. Dolly had grabbed the towel that was wrapped around my neck under the plastic cape and P had whipped out a few moist towelettes from his fanny pack. Meanwhile, Sgt. Hair, had worked his way though the crowd of stunned onlookers and now stood off to my right side, almost out of my vision. "Mister P," he said in a heavy southern accent. "I've got some more towels here, if you need 'em? All ya'll look like you done a fine job of cleaning her up, if you ask me."
Pedro looked at the ex-soldier and smiled broadly. "Thank you, Sarge, but I think we have it all cleaned up now."
My hairdresser removed the soiled cape from me and began searching for a new getup to replace it. "Does anyone have a clean towel for Chica's pretty neck?" he said with an extra ounce of sauciness.
"I do," said Sgt. Hair.
"Oh, good! Come and I will let you be the first student to place the cape and towel."
I smiled up at the ex-Marine with the cool tattoo and strong jawline and caught his smile as he leaned over my body to place the towel around my neck. Nudge. Holy Crap! Here we go again.
"Nice job!" said P. "Now for the cape. Make sure you do it with a flourish. It is all part of the experience, you see."
P handed over the new plastic cape to Sgt. Hair who now had moved in around behind me. I felt another nudge and then a whoosh as the cape sailed up and over and settled perfectly upon me. "Terrific!" said Pedro. "Class, don't you think Sarge did an excellent job?"
The crowd murmured in agreement with "Yes, great job" and "Awesome" and "I wanna try". Sarge remained standing behind me soaking up all the attention, while edging closer and even still closer to the back of my chair. Nudge.
Nudge. "Great job!" said Dolly...
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