
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mom's Advice For Chigger Bites

In a recent conversation with one of my younger cousins she posed this question to the masses on Facebook: How do you diminish the itching that comes along with chigger bites?

Now she's a few years younger than me and it was interesting to watch the responses from folks her age and younger come in from all over the country. Here are a few examples:

1. Go to the Urgent Care Clinic and get a special lotion from the doctor.

2. Put ice on it.

3. Run to Walmart and ask the Pharmacist.

4. Pick.

5. Scratch it till it bleeds.

6. And pick some more.

And so forth and so on.

What is even more interesting is the responses that she got from the moms my age and up. They all said the same thing: put fingernail polish on it.

In the summertime you could always tell the kids that spent their days, evenings and nights in a kind of blissful unawareness: We all had many multi-colored splotches all over our body; the stranger the colors, the better.

Mom always said the polish suffocates the chigger that is trapped under the skin. I don't know if that is true or not and I was going to Google it and see what came up but even the mention of that bug made my skin crawl and I started to scratch.

You know moms are mostly always right, just try to pick a clear polish so you don't stand out in a crowd.

And another tip from mom: stop scratching or you'll leave a scar.

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