
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Brake Jobs, Boob Jobs And A Goat Named G...Part Two

....I was happy to be seated by the fabulous Teresa Hooley Slack, who not only is a terrific Contemporary Christian Fiction Writer but is also a classmate of Sister. We enjoyed catching up, talking about writing and the changes in publishing since she first started writing directly out of high school. You can check Teresa out here.

Pretty soon it was almost time to pack up and say our goodbyes, but I saw something that reminded of what a friend had asked me recently: Had I had any work done?

Notice a resemblance?

Me neither.

Sadly, the only work I have done is admit to the fact that I need a bigger bra size. I guess that's a good thing because everyone I meet these days is always telling me how good I look. That's the thing about a new bra, I guess (one that fits) it makes you look like you have had some work done.

I made it back to my hotel and relaxed for a few minutes before heading over to the venue where our get-together was being held. There was a handful of folks already there when I arrived and they had decorated the room nicely. In the beginning stages of planning the event I suggested a pot-luck dinner. Some had mentioned catering but with our group, getting firm commitments to attend are as rare as a four-dollar bill.

One classmate, Angie, who lives in the area knew a lady who makes appetizers and volunteered to bring spicy meatballs, Fiesta cheese dip and fancy wieners wrapped in bacon. Perfect!

Others volunteered to bring drinks, a cooler with ice, napkins and tableware and lots of other goodies. I was worried about the amount of food but we had way more than we needed and we could have fed the other two/thirds of the class if they had shown up.

Twenty-two of us attended and some were a bit shy in the beginning but soon it was just like old times:

North Adams '85

Two of our former teachers, Mr. Breeze--American History  and Mr. Schweighart--French also attended but I forgot to take their picture. I also forgot to take a picture of the food which is surprising, too.

For over four hours we laughed, we ate, laughed some more, looked through the yearbook and wondered about those that hadn't come and reminisced about our time at North Adams High School. As far as we knew, none in the class has passed away, which is a good thing.

A particular highlight for me was telling some about the novel that I recently finished and naming some of the characters after them. Your name in a book, why not? (FYI, Mom got my name out of a book.)

As we were leaving, my old high-school crush came up to me and said, "Well, G, I didn't use your name in a book...

...but I did name my goat after you."

Thanks, Brian, that's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.

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