
Saturday, March 23, 2019

It's Mom's Birthday!

The year 1956 was a big year for Lora Keiber. She graduated and was the prom queen at Jefferson Township High School in Blue Creek, Ohio. She had 19 in her class which was about the same amount that lived in the city of Blue Creek. And most of whom were in her family. Granny had 11 children.

The first photo is her senior picture. This has always been my favorite photo of my mother. I love the short hair!

In the second photo, she is standing beside the prom king, who was Sandy Hamilton.

We'll probably celebrate like we do most things in my family and that's by going out to eat. Mom, just like Dad, likes a good steak. But sometimes, we'll change things up and go to Olive Garden or Red Lobster--just depends on what coupon we have.

Happy Birthday, Mom! I know I speak for the rest of those that know you: "You're the best and we love you very much!"

And you'll always be the prom queen!

Happy Birthday!

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