Can you think of a better way to spend a 100° afternoon in the Deep South than sitting in the cool, refreshing breeze that is emanating from one of your window air conditioners that makes the whole house vibrate when it is running? I couldn't either until somebody told the transformer down the road to heat up and explode.
Ummm, paging, Georgia Power. Come in, Georgia Power.
I'm not one to complain or anything but ever since Georgia Power raised the rates nearly 20% back in January my power has flickered or gone off almost every week. I'm sure it is just coincidental and I know we had a major ice storm and major thunderstorms for several months in a row but losing power on a day like today is just ridiculous.
It's gotten so bad that I have now memorized the customer service number to report outages. I don't live in a third world country or out in the West where rolling blackouts are a common occurrence; I'm used to electric whenever and wherever I want it.
I know, I'm a spoiled American. But to every middle-aged fat woman out there that is just one hot flash away from suffering total heat exhaustion, I need my power back on and I mean Now!
I'm sure ya'll will agree with me on that one... |
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