If you've been around for a while then you know that in the MA Fat Woman's family we like to celebrate birthdays. In fact, we celebrate for a month. Two weeks before the actual day and then two weeks after. I'm not sure why we do that; it's always been that way.
Also, I've always had a problem figuring out what to do with birthday cards after the fact. I don't want to throw anything away. I'm afraid I might hurt somebody's feelings if they found out that I had disposed of their carefully thought out selection to remind me that I am truly over the hill.
As my bones have begun to ache and it's now impossible for me to blow out all of the candles on the cake, I've realized that it is time to let the cards go. Free them. Let them fly. Burn them. (Just kidding) But, I needed a way to remember them and then it hit me. Why not share them with you and have a contest as well? Brilliant, I say, just brilliant!
Okay, here are the rules: Match the saying that was on the inside of the card with the picture on the front. I have labeled each card as A,B,C,D or E and the saying as 1,2,3,4 or 5. Leave your answers in the comments section. If more than one person guesses correctly, I'll throw those names into a hat and draw out the winning name. That winner will receive the $5 dollar bill listed below.
If you have any questions, please don't ask because I don't want this to become difficult.
This a good way to say goodbye to my birthday and help me remember some of my birthday cards forever. (No more boxes and boxes of old cards.)
Sayings inside the cards:
1. Whoop-de-freakin-doo.
2. ...so I farted in this card!
3. !Samtsirhc yrrem
4. Happy Birthday to someone that really stands out in a crowd.
5. Hope your birthday is filled with all the good things you deserve.





The winner gets this $5 dollar bill!.
Thanks for playing and making this the best birthday...ever. I'll pick the winner next Friday! |
A. 2. ...so I farted in this card!
B. 5. Hope your birthday is filled with all the good things you deserve.
C. 4. Happy Birthday to someone that really stands out in a crowd.
D. 3. !Samtsirhc yrrem
E. 1. Whoop-de-freakin-doo.
Happy Birthday, by the way!
I'm a sucker for matching games!
A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
E. 1
Hope your birthday was great---take every single one you can get and celebrate like all get out.....
here it is:
A - 2
B - 1
C - 4
D - 5
E - 3
just guessing! :)
Happy Birthday!!!
but I'm thinking I don't need a picture of a $5 bill.
Happy day!
A = 2
B = 1
C = 4
D = 3
E = 5
These are my brilliant guesses! Great game. Thanks, Ellen
A - 2
B - 5
C - 4
D - 3
E - 1
Nice game! :D
A - ...so I farted in this card !
B - Hope your birthday is filled with all the good things you deserve.
C-Happy Birthday to someone that really stands out in a crowd.
D - !Samtsirhc yrrem
E - Whoop-de-freakin-doo
Belated happy Birthday !
Flowing Rhythms
so how was the lawnmowwer? too who won bythe way?
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